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Teacher Resources

Page history last edited by Marianne Dilworth 9 years, 6 months ago

Typing Pal
















Curriki - A great curriculum sharing site


Google for Educators






EdSiteMent - The best of the humanities on the web.


Language Arts


Writing Fix 

A ton of resources for teaching writing using the 6 traits and writers' workshop, including interactive writing prompts, lesson plans using mentor texts, and more!


Read Write Think

Click Lessons to search lesson plans by subject and/or grade level. Click Student Materials to check out all the cool online activities to use with students. NCTE and IRA are working together to provide educators and students with access to the highest quality practices and resources in reading and language arts instruction through free, Internet-based content.


Reading Lists


Spelling City

Enter your spelling lists and kids can practice, play games, and test themselves on their weekly spelling words.


Book Adventure

Students and parents can search for books and print reading lists based on reading level and interests. Students, with a free account, can take comprehension tests for what they have read and earn points towards prizes.


          6+1 Writing Traits



Puzzlemaker is a puzzle generation tool for teachers, students and parents. Create and print customized word search, criss-cross, math puzzles, and more—using your own word lists.






The Math Forum - Teacher Resource Page


Computing Technology for Math Excellence


Dynamic Paper - NCTM Illuminations tool that allows teachers to create math sheets.




National Geographic Education  


Science NetLinks


Social Studies



Register to take your kids on free virtual fieldtrips on a variety of science and social studies topics. Print out nice field jounal worksheets for students to complete as they do the fieldtrip. 


Archiving Early America


Image Archive - The History Project at UC Davis


Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids



The Lemelson Center's Spark!Lab at the Smithsonian, uses fun activities to teach families about the history and process of invention. 


Smithsonian History Explorer


          Character Counts! - Lesson Plan Bank

          Each lesson is based on the six pillars of character.  




Internet 4 Classrooms

Resources to help teachers use the Internet and technology effectively. Includes collections of links as well as tutorials on programs such as MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. 



This site has educational videos and lessons for K12 students.  All lessons and videos have been reviewed by K12 teachers.


WatchKnow - This site has educational videos catorgorized according to subject and educational level.  It  is both a resource for users and also a non-profit, online community that encourages everyone to collect, create, and share free, innovative, educational videos.



Student Curriculum empowers students to use the Internet safely, responsibly, and effectively.


The Arts


ArtsEdge - The Kennedy Center






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